Harrogate School of Motoring
07941 792080
Harrogate School of Motoring
07941 792080

Intensive Courses
For anyone in a hurry to learn an intensive course is ideal. We do 1 to 6 day courses, depending on the pupil's starting ability. Each day consists of 4 hours driving, usually split into 2x2 hour lessons, although this can be altered to suit the pupils other commitments.
1 day Course £150
For those that are very close to test standard or have just failed a test
2 Day Course £300
For those close to test standard but struggling to master 1 or 2 aspects of driving
3 Day Course £450
For those who've been learning already and have covered their manouevres
4 Day Course £600
For those who've had a few lessons but are still relative beginners
5 Day Course £750
For those with very little experience. Maybe been out driving with a friend or relative
6 day Course £900
For Complete beginners
★★★★★ "Passed my test with only 2 minor faults. Highly highly recommend."
Rob S